Author: NM SRCA

Home Articles posted by NM SRCA (Page 72)

Harvey Girls

Restauranteur Fred Harvey's biggest challenge was not delivering fresh food to his far-flung outposts but finding reliable help, so he placed advertisements in the East and the Midwest for single "young women, 18 to 30 years of age, of good character, attractive and intelligent." These women became the famed…

Santa Rita NM-1919

Santa Rita; Mining in New Mexico Santa Rita, NM, 1919 with copper mine in the background, photographer unknown. US copyright expired and image is in the public domain.

Workers and Safety in Southern New Mexico Mining

By Jamie Bronstein, Ph.D. The economy of New Mexico has long centered on the state’s natural resources: empty spaces that can be used for military testing, vast tracts suitable for ranchland, natural features that attract tourists, and the extractive industries. While the benefits, for a relatively poor state, of…

Arthur T. Hannett

2 17 1884 Arthur T. Hannett was born in Lyons, New York, on February 17, 1884. His education was attained at the University of Buffalo, and at Syracuse University, where he earned an LL.B. degree in 1910. After establishing his legal career in Gallup, New Mexico, Hannett entered politics….

Garrey E. Carruthers

8 29 1939 Garrey E. Carruthers grew up in Aztec, New Mexico. He received his bachelor's degree in agriculture in 1964 and a master's degree in agricultural economics in 1965 from New Mexico State University. After receiving a doctorate in economics in 1968 from Iowa State University, he returned…

Bruce King

4 6 1924 Bruce King was born in Stanley, New Mexico, and attended the University of New Mexico after serving in the U.S. Army in World War II. He was elected to the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners in 1954 and served two terms, one as chair. In…

king bruce

Bruce King; Governor of New Mexico Bruce King, Governor, n.d. New Mexico State Records and Archives Photographic Collection.