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Nepomuceno Segura

NEPOMUCENO SEGURA, atty., (Rep.) delegate San Miguel Co.; b. Aug. 4, 1855 Santa Fe, N. M.; s. of Simon and Altagracia D. de Segura; educ. St. Michael;s college, Santa Fe went to Colorado, 1874-5; read law in Trinidad; interpreter dist.court and translater first statute laws of Colorado, 1876; returned to New Mexico and was admitted to practice law in Las Vegas, Aug. 8, 1883; acknowledged one of the best interpreters and translators both in Colorado and New Mexico, having served in that capacity for nearly 25 years; deputy sheriff San Miguel Co., 1880-1; county assessor San Miguel Co., 1891-3.

Address: Rociada, New Mexico.


Commission of Public Records-State Records Center and Archives