Author: NM SRCA

Home Articles posted by NM SRCA (Page 69)

Navajo Linguistics and the New Deal

By Char Perry*   The New Deal brought new resources, people, and commitment to the study and documentation of indigenous languages. Language documentation is generally thought of as being politically neutral, however, because language is commonly seen as a symbol of identity or a criterion for recognition, the documentation,…

Olive Rush: An Independent Spirit

1873 By Bettina Raphael Olive Rush was forty-seven years old and a well-established artist when she moved to Santa Fe, NM, in 1920, making it her home and source of artistic inspiration for the next forty-five years. Most people would be slowing down their professional careers at such an…

Railroads of Santa Fe County

Coming of the Iron Steed: Railroads of Santa Fe County 1880-2010 By Fred Friedman   Santa Fe has been a railroad town since 1880, when the first locomotive backed all the way up from Galisteo Junction (now known as the community of Lamy) because there was no facility to…

Las Cruces

Susan Shelby Magoffin, wife of Santa Fe trader, Sam Magoffin, in January 1847 wrote in her diary, "Yesterday we passed over the spot where a few years since a party of Apaches attacked General Armijo as he returned from the Pass with a party of troops, and killed some…

Genealogical Societies in New Mexico

Genealogical Socieities in New Mexico New Mexico Genealogical Society (NMGS) Website: Email: Focus:  New Mexico Families and the Southwest Meets once a month in Albuquerque at the Main Library downtown Publishes a quarterly journal Has “Locating Catholic Church Records” on website. Hispanic Genealogical Research Center of New…

Pillaging the Silver City Stage

By John P. Wilson  Robbing a stagecoach in the Old West didn’t always end with the driver throwing down the express box, or a chest with the payroll or gold bars, followed by the bandits allowing everybody to go their own way. Sometimes the highwaymen sought to unburden the…

Conchas Dam

By John D. Schelburg New Deal programs played a profound role in New Mexico from 1933 through 1942. Not only was New Mexico plagued with poverty but it also lacked state agencies capable of delivering social services. The Federal agencies created by the New Deal to stimulate the economy…