Author: NM SRCA

Home Articles posted by NM SRCA (Page 62)

2015 Scholars Announcement

A new season of exciting lectures is here! Please click on the link to the left (2016 Scholars Lecture Series) for more information, days and times, and speakers. 1

Archives Month in New Mexico

New Mexico Celebrates American Archives Month “Lore of the Archives: Documenting New Mexico’s Folk Traditions” Thursday, October 2, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. The Screen, Santa Fe University of Art and Design 1600 St Michaels Drive, and will include lectures, performance art, and film screenings Free and open to the…

2014 New Mexico Archives Month

Los Matachinetes, Santa Fe Fiesta 1922; Fred Harvey Company; Postcard; Gerald Cassidy painting; “Los Matachinetes, Santa Fe Fiesta” 1922, Fred Harvey Company postcard from a Gerald Cassidy painting (detail). Farona Konopak Collection, Image No. 79525. New Mexico State Records Center and Archives.

Explaning New Mexico’s Land Grants

Explanation of Types of Land Grants in New Mexico by Malcolm Ebright and Robin Collier Congressional Grants Congressional grants were made after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo by Congress when there was no basis for the grant under Spanish or Mexican law. For example, the Benjamin E. Edwards grant…

Acoma Pueblo

Acoma Pueblo Rawa 'kasshtyaa'tsa Hiyaai     El Buen Camino del Arco Iris The Good Rainbow Road   Simon J. Ortiz University Press of Arizona, 2004   Keres Spanish English   Srue ‘cha”tyuwiine, is”tu’wa ch’ai-tsa’a’tsime ch’u’yu”ta. Is”tu’wa tiiyeetyi uraasr”pa cha’aitra ha'kaani chinaya”ti. Srue is”tu’wa tyi chi’ya’a”tanu 'kashtyaa’tsi hawe echa’aitra. Kashtyaa’tsi…

Maxwell Land Grant

by William H. Wroth In January 1841, Guadalupe Miranda of Santa Fe and Charles Beaubien of Taos petitioned Governor Manuel Armijo for possession of a large tract of land east of Taos along the Cimarron and Canadian Rivers, extending westward to the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Beaubien, a French…

San Miguel del Vado Grant

by Mark Schiller At the conclusion of every adjudication, the United States Attorney for the Court of Private Land Claims, Matthew G. Reynolds, wrote a summary of the proceedings for the United States Attorney General. On 26 June 1894, Reynolds wrote his report summarizing the adjudication of the San…

Arroyo Hondo Grant

by Denise Holladay Damico New Mexico's Taos Valley is one of the longest-settled regions of New Mexico. Its fertile soil and the availability of running water made it an attractive location, first for the Taos Pueblo Indians, and later for other settlers. By the early nineteenth century, these competing…