Author: NM SRCA

Home Articles posted by NM SRCA (Page 61)

The First Telephones in New Mexico

By Rick Hendricks The honor of installing the first telephone system in New Mexico is often given to Las Vegas merchant Carlos Blanchard, who connected his place of business on the plaza to his home in 1879, just three years after Alexander Graham Bell's invention. In the spring of…

Soccer in New Mexico

By Rick Hendricks Soccer probably got its start in New Mexico at Camp Cody, near Deming. In mid-July 1917, the War Department designated National Guard troops from the Midwest to form the United States Army's 34th Infantry Division and selected Camp Cody for training the division. In January 1918…

Roswell’s Boys of Summer, 1956

By Rick Hendricks They called themselves the Roswell Lions-Hondo Little League All-Stars, and in August 1956 they were the champions of world.  To qualify for the World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, the boys from Roswell, New Mexico, first had to win the district tournament for Southeastern New Mexico; the…

2016 Scholars Lecture Series

  History Scholars Topics and Schedules       Speaker Topic   Date/Time/Place Elena Friot Remembering New Mexico's War: The Bataan Death March in history and Memory, 1942-2012 18 April 2016 11:00 AM UNM History Department Commons Room  Mesa Vista Hall Katherine McCully Abiquiu, New Mexico During the Georgia…

The Foundation: K through 8th

The links on this page cover the curiosity of young people examining the many doors they find in the world. Using the Library of Congress and its resources, we have gathered music, art, literature, film, politics, and of course, history, to help build a strong foundation for learning about…