Author: NM SRCA

Home Articles posted by NM SRCA (Page 50)

Pueblo of Santa Ana Grant

by J. J. Bowden The Pueblo of Santa Ana, one of the Indian settlements of the ancient Queres Nation, is situated on the north bank of Jemez River about eight miles southeast of the Pueblo of Zia. It was visited by Governor Juan de Onate in 1598 and, shortly…

Pueblo of Sandia Grant

By J. J. Bowden The Pueblo of Sandia, a Tigua Pueblo located n the east bank of the Rio Grande about twelve miles north of Albuquerque, was already a thriving settlement when the Spaniards fist entered New Mexico and became the seat of a Franciscan mission early in the…

Pueblo of Jemez Grant

by J. J. Bowden The Jemez Indians were living in at least seven pueblos in the vicinity of the Jemez Hot Springs prior to Juan Oñate’s conquest of New Mexico in 1598. After the establishment of the mission system and the introduction of irrigation by the Spaniards, the Jemez…

Town of San Isidro Grant

by J. J. Bowden Antonio Armenta, the Alcalde of the Queres Nation, and Salvador Antonio Sandoval, a re-enlisted soldier of the royal garrison, appeared before Governor Juan Bautista de Anza asking for a grant covering a tract of vacant land upon which to support their families and raise a…

Rancho de la Santisima Trinidad Grant

By J. J. Bowden Ignacio Sanchez Vergara, the Alcalde of Jemez, petitioned the ad interim Governor of New Mexico, Jose Manrique, asking for a grant covering a “small piece” vacant land located between the Pueblo of Zia and the Town of San Isidro. As justification for his request, Vergara…

Santo Toribio Grant

by J. J. Bowden Refugio Valverde filed suit against the United States in the Court of Private Land Claims on March 3, 1893 seeking the confirmation of the Santo Toribio Grant. The basis of his claim was that a group of colonists had petitioned Governor Juan Bautista Anza: asking…

Ojo de San José Grant

by J. J. Bowden Paulin Montoya, Marcus Toribio Gonzales, Bernabé Gallegos, Antonio Gallegos, Feliz Casados and Antonio Jose Casados petitioned Governor Pedro Fermín de Mendinueta asking for a grant covering a tract of vacant land situated on the Jemez slope surrounding the abandoned Pueblo of San Jose. The petitioners…

Ojo de Borrego Grant

by J. J. Bowden Mono Antonio Montoya, a resident of the Pueblo of Cochiti, appeared before Governor Pedro Fermin de Mendinueta requesting a grant covering a tract of land bounded: On the north, by a small spring of water running towards the north; on the east, by the boundaries…

San Joaquín del Nacimiento Grant

by J. J. Bowden Joaquin de Luna, for himself and on behalf of thirty five associates, by petition addressed to Governor Pedro Fermin de Mendinueta applied for a grant covering a tract of land situated upon the headwaters of the Rio Puerco and known as San Joaquin del Nacimiento….

Ancon Colorado Grant

by J. J. Bowden On March 2, 1893 Roman Baca instituted a suit in the Court of Private Land Claims against the United States seeking the confirmation of the Ancon Colorado Grant, which contained about 800 acres of land in support of his claim, Baca filed the testimonio of…