Author: NM SRCA

Home Articles posted by NM SRCA (Page 47)

Jose Ignacio Alari Grant

by J. J. Bowden On March 3, 1893, Juan Antonio Quintana filed suit against the United States in the Court of Private Land Claims seeking the confirmation of a tract of land estimated to contain 1,000 acres located on the Ojo Caliente River. Quintana claimed an interest in the…

Antonio de Abeytia Grant

by J. J. Bowden On January 29, 1893, Maria E. Lucero and the other heirs and legal representatives of Antonio de Abeytia filed a petition in the Court of Private Land Claims seeking the confirmation of the Antonio de Abeytia Grant. The petition asserted that the grant contained about…

Black Mesa Grant

by J. J. Bowden Sometime during 1743, Juan Garcia de la Mora and Diego de Medina appeared before and jointly petitioned Governor Juan Gaspar Domingo de Mendoza for a grant covering a tract of land located on the Ojo Caliente River and containing some “patches of table land” which…

Sebastian Martin Grant

by J. J. Bowden Sometime prior to 1703 a tract of land located northeast of the Pueblo of San Juan was granted to Joseph Garcia Jurado, Sebastian de Vargas, and. Sebastian de Polonia. However, when they failed to occupy the grant within the time prescribed by law, Sebastian Martin…

Embudo Grant

by J. J. Bowden Juan Marquis, Francisco Martin, and Lozaro de Cordova had an audience with Governor Juan Domingo de Bustamante on July 17, 1725 during which they presented their petition for a grant covering a triangular tract of land at Embudo de Picuris. In this petition, the petitioners…

La Nasa Grant

by J. J. Bowden On March 3, 1893, Albino Lopez filed suit against the United States in the Court of Private Land Claims to secure the confirmation of “two strips of river bank land facing one another on both sides of the river, commonly known as La Nasa,” which…

Ojo Caliente Grant

by J. J. Bowden In 1790, eighteen residents of Bernalillo received permission from Governor Fernando de la Concha to settle upon the site of the abandoned Pueblo of Ojo Caliente provided they formed “a well ordered and regular settlement on the outskirts of the Canada de las Comanches.” It…

Francisco Montes Vigil Grant

by J. J. Bowden Noting that his herds were gradually diminishing due to inadequate pasturage, Francisco Montes Vigil, a resident of the Villa of Santa Cruz, commenced looking for a more suitable site for his ranching activities. Upon finding an attractive piece of vacant land situated on the north…

Top Books on New Mexico

Top Books on New Mexico   When State Historian Rick Hendricks asked our readers, "What  would you recommend as a good book about New Mexico?" the results were astounding, both in percentage of response (42%) and in quality and depth of books and authors. This list will satisfy the…