Author: Eldon Vita

Home Articles posted by Eldon Vita (Page 44)

Town of Vallecito de Lovato Grant

by J. J. Bowden Jose Rafael Samora and twenty-five other residents of the Pueblo Santa Cruz petitioned the Alcalde of Abiquiu on February 23, 1824, for possession of a tract of land in the Vallecito de Lovato for agricultural purposes. The petition was referred by Alcalde Francisco Trujillo to…

Petaca Grant

by J. J. Bowden On January 29, 1836, Jose Julian Martinez together with his father, Antonio Martinez, and Francisco Antonio Atencio and his sons petitioned the Ayuntamiento of the Town of Ojo Caliente asking for a grant covering a piece of vacant land, known as the Petaca and situated…

Rancho de Coyote Grant

by J. J. Bowden Nepumecena Martinez de Aragon, through his attorney, Maye Wieks of Los Angeles, California, filed suit in the Court of Private Land Claims against the United States on March 3, 1891, seeking the confirmation of the Rancho de Coyote Grant. He alleged that his ancestors had…

Canon de Chama Grant

by J. J. Bowden Francisco Salazar, together with his two brothers and twenty-eight poor and needy citizens, petitioned Joaquin Alancaster, the governor of New Mexico, seeking a grant covering a tract of vacant land situated on the Chama River for agricultural and pastoral purposes. Alencaster, under date of July…

Barranca Grant

by J. J. Bowden Anastacio C. de Baca filed suit in the Court of Private Land Claims on February 17, 1893, seeking to obtain the recognition of the Barranca Grant. In his petition, Baca stated that on March 2, 1735, Geronimo Martin, Ignacio Martin, Juan de Gamboa, Pascual de…

Polvareda Grant

by J. J. Bowden Juan Pablo Martin, a lieutenant in the militia company of the Pueblo of Abiquiu and Lieutenant Alcalde of Santa Cruz, petitioned Governor Tomas Velez Cachupin asking for a grant covering a tract of unappropriated land commonly known as the Polvareda. Martin stated there were a…

Piedre Lumbre Grant

by J. J. Bowden Lieutenant Pedro Martin Serrano petitioned the Governor of New Mexico asking for a grant covering a tract of land in the valley known as Piedra Lumbre, in order that he might build a home thereon for his large family and a pasturage for “his extensive…