Author: Eldon Vita

Home Articles posted by Eldon Vita (Page 41)

Town of Mora Grant

by J. J. Bowden On September 28, 1835, Albino Perez, Governor of New Mexico, ordered the Alcalde of Las Trampas, Manuel Antonio Sanchez, to distribute the lands in the Santa Gertrudis and San Antonio Valleys which had been granted to the inhabitants of the Colony of Mora. In compliance…

Arkansas Grant

by J. J. Bowden The inability to pacify the wild nomadic tribes, who ringed its northern frontiers, prompted Spain to embark upon a series of barbaric wars in an effort to exterminate them. This policy created such a spirit of vengeance that the Apaches and Comanches frequently raided deep…

Corpos Cristos Grant

by J. J. Bowden Benjamin Hodges, an illiterate resident of Dodge City, Kansas, caused a letter to be to Commissioner of the General Land Officer S. M, Stockslage on October 15, 1888, seeking the recognition of a grant allegedly made to his great grandfather Corpos Cristo by the King…

Ocate Grant

by J. J. Bowden Manuel Alvarez, a resident of Santa Fe, petitioned Governor Manuel Armijo on October 15, 1837, for a grant covering a tract of land situated on both sides of the Ocate River, which he described as being bounded: On the north, by the Caja de las…

Una del Gato Grant

by J. J. Bowden In the late part of December, 1838, Joaquin Valdez one of the few early attorneys in New Mexico, was retained by Salvador Vernal and Tomas Lopez, residents of the Pueblo of Jemez, to prepare a petition seeking a grant covering a tract of land located…

Sangre de Cristo Grant

by J. J. Bowden The history of one of the largest and most interesting New Mexican Grants commences two days after Christmas in the year 1843, with the filing of a petition by a small boy and one of the most important men of Taos, New Mexico, in which…

Guadalupita Grant

by J. J. Bowden   Pedro Antonio Gallegos, Jose Maria Silva, and Miguel Silva, residents of the Pueblo of Las Trampas, petitioned the Alcalde of that pueblo, Juan Nepomoceno Trujillo, on February 20, 1837, for a grant covering a tract of unoccupied land located in the Guadalupe Valley along…

Maxwell Grant

by J. J. Bowden In a vividly worded petition dated January 8, 1841, Guadalupe Miranda and Carlos Beaubien, two of the most prominent residents of Santa Fe, petitioned Manuel Armijo, Governor of New Mexico, on January 8, 1841, seeking a grant covering the following described tract of land: Beginning…

San Antonio del Rio Colorado Grant

by J. J. Bowden Rafael Archuleta, Antonio Elias Armenta, and Miguel Montoya petitioned the Prefect of the First District of the Department of New Mexico, Juan Andres Archuleta on February 8, 1842, requesting a grant covering a tract of vacant public land known as San Antonio del Rio Colorado….

Plaza of Guadalupe Grant

by J. J. Bowden In 1851, eighty-two local landless families petitioned the prefect of Taos, George Levy, requesting him to grant them the privilege of occupying and cultivating that certain tract of land known as the Plaza of Guadalupe “in conformity with the usages and customs in force prior…