Author: Eldon Vita

Home Articles posted by Eldon Vita (Page 31)

Town of Galisteo Grant

by J. J. Bowden When the Spaniard first occupied New Mexico, there were five occupied Tano pueblos in the Galisteo Basin. The largest became known as Santa Cruz de Galisteo. During the Pueblo Rebellion of 1680, these Indians revolted, killed their missionaries, and migrated to Santa Fe after Governor…

Cadillal Grant

by J. J. Bowden Albino Chacon filed the Spanish title papers pertaining to the Cadillal Grant in Surveyor General William Pelham’s office in March 5 1857. The papers showed that Joaquin Chaves and twenty‑eight other citizens of Galisteo presented a petition to the Ayuntamiento of Santa Fe on January…

Tacubaya Grant

by J. J. Bowden On February 3, 1843, the same day that they and their other associates applied for the Mesita Blanca Grant, Francisco Provincio, Juan Silva, Vicente Roibal, Benito Varela, Marcelino Ortiz and two other persons petitioned the Ayuntamiento of Santa Fe for a grant covering a tract…

Mesita Blanca Grant

by J. J. Bowden Antonio Baca, for himself and the other heirs and legal representatives of Jesus Griego, Francisco Provincio, Juan Silva, Jose Silva, Francisco de Carza, Vicente Roibal, Benito Varela, and Marcelino Ortiz, filed suit in the Court of Private Land Claims on March 2, 1893, seeking the…

Sebastian de Vargas Grant

by J. J. Bowden Sometime prior to 1710, Captain Sebastian de Vargas received a grant for military services covering a tract of 40,000 acres of land described as being bounded: On the north, by the bluffs of the Chamisos Arroyo; on the east, by Cerros Negros; on the south,…

Rancho de Nuestra Senora de la Luz Grant

by J. J. Bowden John Lamy, Bishop of New Mexico, petitioned Surveyor General William Pelham on April 1, 1856, seeking the confirmation of the title to a tract of land which he held in trust for the Catholic Church. In support of his claim, Lamy filed a Spanish document…

Ojito de Galisteo Grant

by J. J. Bowden Nicolas Pino filed suit in the Court of Private Land Claims On March 2, 1893, seeking the confirmation of the Ojito de Galisteo Grant under which he claimed an interest by inheritance from Juan Cruz Aragon in support of his claim, Pino filed a Spanish…

Santa Fe Grant

by J. J. Bowden Following the conquest of New Mexico in the summer of 1598, Governor Juan de Onate established his headquarters at the Pueblo of San Gabriel, which the Tewa Indians voluntarily gave to the Conquistadors. San Gabriel west bank of the Rio Grande not far from junction…

Jose Leyba Grant

by J. J. Bowden Jose de Leyba, a resident of Santa Fe, appeared before Governor Juan Domingo de Bustamante on May 24, 1728, and registered a piece of vacant land and woods, enough for half a fanega of corn planting land somewhat more or less which he described as…