Author: Eldon Vita

Home Articles posted by Eldon Vita (Page 122)

Trujillo vs Garley

franchise, disenfranchisement, voting rights, Native Americans, court decisions, New Mexico Claude Stephenson, State Folklorist, Department of Cultural Affairs Rick Hendricks, State Historian, State Records Center and Archives It took a court case in 1957 to give Native Americans the right to vote in New Mexico.

Bursum Bill

Pueblo lands, US Congress, US Senate, Bursum Claude Stephenson, State Folklorist, Department of Cultural Affairs Rick Hendricks, State Historian, State Records Center and Archives U.S. Senator Holm O. Bursum from the Great State of New Mexico tries to sneak a bill through Congress to steal Pueblo lands. It backfires.

Frenchy Rochas

architects, Loretto Chapel, Miraculous Staircase Claude Stephenson, State Folklorist, Department of Cultural Affairs Rick Hendricks, State Historian, State Records Center and Archives The master French carpenter who built the Loretto Chapel;s Miraculous Staircase meets an untimelt end in Dog Canyon.

Blackdom, audio

slaves, migration, African-American, culture Claude Stephenson, State Folklorist, Department of Cultural Affairs Rick Hendricks, State Historian, State Records Center and Archives Two former slaves from Georgia become the founders of an African-American community in southern New Mexico. Blackdom

George McJunkin

black cowboy, archaeology, science Claude Stephenson, State Folklorist, Department of Cultural Affairs Rick Hendricks, State Historian, State Records Center and Archives An eccentric and educated black cowboy makes a discovery in northeast New Mexico that changes the understanding of archaeological history in America.

Buffalo Soldier George Jordan

Bufffalo Soldiers, US Army, Congressional Medal of Honor, Apaches, 1880s Claude Stephenson, State Folklorist, Department of Cultural Affairs Rick Hendricks, State Historian, State Records Center and Archives Buffalo Soldier George Jordan receives the Congressional Medal of Honor for bravery in service during the Apache uprising in the 1880s.

General Kearny’s 1846 Entrance into New Mexico-audio

Claude Stephenson, State Folklorist, Department of Cultural Affairs Rick Hendricks, State Historian, State Records Center and Archives General Kearney leads the Army of the West to Santa Fe and claims New Mexico for the United States of America.

Governor Armijo’s Retreat

Governor Armijo, US invasion, coward, Army of the West, Kearny Claude Stephenson, State Folklorist, Department of Cultural Affairs Rick Hendricks, State Historian, State Records Center and Archives Governor Manuel Armijo has historically been portrayed as a coward for not resisting the US invasion of New Mexico. But was he…

Murder of Governor Bent in Taos-audio

Murder, rebels, rebellion, loyalists, Mexico, US, Governor Bent Claude Stephenson, State Folklorist, Department of Cultural Affairs Rick Hendricks, State Historian, State Records Center and Archives Mexican loyalists rebel against the Americans and murder newly appointed Governor Charles Bent.

Taos Rebellion Supressed-audio

Governor Bent, US Army, Mexican loyalists, Taos, brutality, rebellion Claude Stephenson, State Folklorist, Department of Cultural Affairs Rick Hendricks, State Historian, State Records Center and Archives American troops come to Taos to avenge Governor Bent's murder and brutally put down the rebellion.