Letter from Ferdinand II to the Duque del Infantado

Letter from Ferdinand II to the Duque del Infantado

Transcription, Translation and Analysis by Rick Hendricks


Del Rey

Duque primo, la condesa de Saldaña vuestra hija, mi sobrina entrara mañana en esta villa, como ya vos escrivj y por que como sabeys las velaçiones se abrira pasado el octavo día de los Reyes y se torna a cerrar por la setuagesima y por que yo queria que el conde vuestro hijo y la dicha condesa se velasen luego sin dilaçion en abriendose las velaçiones por ende yo vos Ruego que en Reçibiendo esta dys orden que el dicho conde vuestro hijo se parta luego y venga aquí para que en nuestra casa Real y en nuestra presençia oyan mysa los dichos conde y condesa vuestros hijos como tengo escrito que en ello me hareys mucho plazer y seruçio y en esto no haya dilaçion por que no lo sufre el tiempo como veis, y aca esta ya todo presto lo que es menester para la consumaçion del dicho matrimonio, y el dinero que se ha de dar al dicho conde por razon del dicho matrimonio, como esta asentado, de valladolid a xxviij dias del mes de diziembre de quinientos doce anos.
(firma) Yo el Rey [rúbrica]
El dinero como arriba digo esta presto y se deve enviar luego aquy persona a recibirlo.
por mandado de su alteza
Pedro de Quintana [rúbrica]

From the King

Cousin Duke,the countess of Saldaña, your daughter,[1] my niece will arrive tomorrow in this city as I have already written to you; and because, as you know, the nuptial blessings will begin eight days after [the Feast of the Three] Kings[2] and close by Shrove Sunday,[3] and because I wanted your son the count and the said Countess to receive their nuptial blessing without delay when the nuptial blessings begin, to this end I beseech you that when you receive this you will order the count your said son shall depart immediately and come here so that in our royal house and in our presence, the said count and countess may hear mass, as I have written by with you will give me much pleasure and service and there should be no delay because the time will not permit it as you can see, and here everything required for the consummation of this marriage is ready, and the money to be given to the said count because of the marriage, as agreed. From Valladolid on the 28th day of the month of December, 1512.
I the King (Yo El Rey)
The money as stated, is ready and a person should be sent forthwith to receive it.
By command of his Highness.
Pedro de Quintana (Rubric).



This letter from King Ferdinand II of Aragon, Regent of Castile was directed to the Diego Hurtado de Mendoza y Luna, the third Duque del Infantado. His son, Íñigo López de Mendoza y Pimentel, married Isabel de Aragón, granddaughter of King Ferdinand I of Aragon, but the wedding did not take place until 10 October 1513, rather than in January as might be concluded from the letter. Íñigo was at the time of his marriage Conde de Saldaña, therefore the king's reference to his future bride as the Condesa de Saldaña is anticipatory.[4]

[1] Daughter-in-law.

[2] Also known as Epiphany, this holy day occurs every year on 6 January.

[3] Septuagesima Sunday (Shrove Sunday) is the ninth Sunday before Easter and  the third before Ash Wednesday. Francis Mershman, "Septuagesima," The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 13 (New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1912),  https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/13721b.htm (accessed 21 October 2011).

[4] Francisco Fernández de Béthencourt, Historia genealógica y heráldica de la monarquía española: casa real y grandes de España (Madrid: Estab. Tip. de Enrique Teodoro, 1897), 3: 396.


Letter from Ferdinand II to the Duque del Infantado;

A letter from King Ferdinand II to the Duque del Infantado, dated 28 December 1502, is the oldest document in the New Mexico State Records Center and Archives.