Town of El Rito Grant

The Town of El Rito Land Grant is also known as the Tomasa Tenario de Quintana Grant. The original grant of 51,000 acres was made to Joaquin Garcia by either Spanish Governor Fernando de la Concha (who served 1788-1794) or Governor Fernando Chacon (1794-1805). The grant was considered a “Hispano quasi-community grant." This type of grant was made to a Hispano individual who was allowed to sell the land after four years, and who was expected to bring other settlers onto the grant lands. The Spanish transcripts and English translations of deeds listed below show how land ownership was transferred to others from the original grantee, Joaquin Garcia.
The Town of El Rito petitioned the Surveyor General to confirm the grant in 1883.





The Town of El Rito Land Grant is also known as the Tomasa Tenario de Quintana Grant. The original grant of 51,000 acres was made to Joaquin Garcia by either Spanish Governor Fernando de la Concha (who served 1788-1794) or Governor Fernando Chacon (1794-1805).