Governor Diego de Peñalosa Requests an Embargo on the Goods of Governor Bernardo López de Mendizá

Transcribed by Gerald Mandell, edited by Rick Hendricks


El Capitán Y Sargento mayor Don Diego Dionissio de Peñalossa Brize-/[1]

ño y Verdugo feudatario Encomendado En los Reynos del Peru Al/

calde Probinzial de la santa Hermandad de la Ciudad de la Paz y Las Cinco Pro-/

bincias de su districto Governador y Capitán general En estas del nueva Mexico por el Rey/

nuestro señor==

Al señor Maestro de Campo Don francisco de Gorraiz y Veaumont/

Cavallero del orden de Calatrava Governador y Capitán general del Reyno de la/

nueva Viscaya, Hago saver Como de Resultas de la ReSidencia

que hice Al Capitán Don Bernardo Lopez de Mendiçaval Governador y Capitán general/

que ha sido se estan siguiendo ochenta y Un pleytos de demandas

y querellas que le pusieron dentro del termino de los treynta dias/

y para que este a derecho Con las partes y por otros grabes accidentes/

que substraygo ha sido necessario asegurar su persona dandole su cassa/

por carcel con quatro guardas a peSo de oro Comun por dia y poner

en cobro sus vienes para que no se oculten y se de satisfazion a los/

querellantes y demandantes segun ordenare El Excelentísimo Señor Vi-/

rrey de estos Reynos y Real Audienzia para cuyos tribunales

tiene ynterpuesta apelacion de mis autos y yo se la he otorgado

para las Cantidades que fueren de mayor quantia de nueve mill

[maravedíes] por estar asi ordenado por el supremo Govierno a quien he dado/

quenta para que sobre el casso me ordene lo que mas Combenga por lo/

qual de parte de Su Magestad a Vuestra sseñoría Requiero y de la mia supplico/

que todos y qualesquiera Vienes muebles y Semovientes que parezie-/

ren ser del dicho Capitán Don Bernardo Lopez de Mendizaval se embarguen/

En las personas que los tubieren porque esten de manifiesto para

dar satisfacion Como dicho eS que en mandarlo aSSi Cump[lido]

hara Vuestra sseñoría Justicia y al tanto Cada que Vea Las de Vuestra sseñoría ten-/

dran El devido Cumplimiento fecha En santa fee del nuevo

Mexico a Catorce de nobiembre de Mill y seis-/

Cientos y SeSenta y Un añoS y Va en papel

ordinario por no Correr El Sellado En estas probinzias

Don diego de Peñalossa brizeño [rúbrica]

Por mandado del señor governador Y capitan General

 Juan Luzero de godoY [rúbrica]

SSecretario de governacion y guerra


Translation by Larry D. Miller, edited by Rick Hendricks

Captain and Sargento Mayor don Diego Dionisio de Peñalosa Brizeño y Verdugo, encomendero in the kingdoms of Peru, the provincial alcalde of the rural police force of the city of La Paz and the five provinces in its district, governor and captain general in these provinces of New Mexico, for the king, our lord:

To the lord Maestre de Campo don Francisco de Gorráez y Beaumont, Knight of the Order of Calatrava, Governor and Captain General of the Kingdom of New Biscay: I am informing you that, as a result of the official review of his term in office that I made of Capt. don Bernardo López de Mendizábal, former governor and captain general, eighty-one lawsuits with demands and complaints, made against him within the thirty-day period, are being continued.

So that he may appear before the judge with the plaintiffs, and because of other serious injuries and violations of which I am aware, it has been necessary to guard him, placing him under house arrest, with four guards at a peso a day each, and to put his belongings in a secure place so that they may not be concealed and so that the complainants and claimants may be paid, according to what the most excellent lord viceroy of these kingdoms and the royal audiencia may order. Their tribunals have interposed an appeal of my proceedings. I have granted claims for amounts greater than nine thousand maravedíes,[2] because the superior government has so ordered. I have given them an account, so that they may order what is most advantageous in this matter.

In this regard, on behalf of His Majesty, I request—and on my own, I beg—that any and all personal items, furniture, and livestock that appear to belong to Captain, don Bernardo López de Mendizábal be seized from the people who have them, so that they may be displayed for satisfaction of debts, as has been said. By ordering this, once carried out, your grace will have been just. As to the copy, everyone who sees your grace's words will see that they are carried out.

Done in Santa Fe, New Mexico, 14 November 1661. It is on ordinary paper because the stamped variety is not available in these provinces.

Don Diego de Peñalosa Brizeño [rúbric]

By order of the lord governor and captain general,

Juan Lucero de Godoy [rubric][3]

Secretary of Government and War

[1] Governor Diego de Peñalosa, request to embargo the goods of outgoing the outgoing governor, Bernardo López de Mendizábal, Santa Fe, 14 Nov. 1661. Archivo Histórico de Hidalgo del Parral, roll 1662B, f. 912b.

[2] Thirty-two pesos.

[3] This document was signed by Juan Lucero de Godoy, but it was written by Captain Miguel de Noriega, who served nineteenth months as Governor López de Mendizábal's secretary.



Diego de Peñalosa, Bernardo López de Mendizábal

Diego Dionisio de Peñalosa Briceño y Berdugo